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Shout Out: Happy Birthday Ashlynn!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Ashlynn!  Thank you for being you!  You bring sunshine and strength to the team.  Thank you for your heart to serve.  We're believing that the favor and blessings of God will overtake you in this coming year!  We love you!

Shout Out: Happy Belated Birthday Katia!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Katia! You are an incredible woman of beauty, strength and joy.  It is such a pleasure to serve with you.  We're believing that this coming year with be an Eph 3:20 kind of year.
We love you!

Shout Out: Happy Belated Birthday Hunter!!

Happy Birthday Hunter!  We're so glad that you were born.  You are an incredible encouragement to us all and an amazing example of a servant.  Thanks for doing life with us!  We're believing that this coming year will be the best yet!

Recap: Worship Retreat

Monday, January 11, 2010

The worship team had an amazing retreat this weekend.  It was so awesome to hear from so many different members of the team.  God really is doing something exciting in our midst.  Can't wait to see what unfolds.

We'll be recapping the various sessions in the coming days.  For today, here's the "Circle of Fifths" diagram that Steve spoke about.  Just a teaser for the class he'll be teaching starting in March.  Can't wait!

I have a whole new respect for the musicians :-)

Also, this Sunday's service was incredible.  Wasn't the presence of God just amazing?  Check out PDonna's message here.

Chime in and let us know what really stood out to you at the retreat!

Shout Out: Happy Birthday Bethany!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Bethany!  We consider it such an honor to serve with you.  You are an amazing women and we know that God has wonderful things in store for you this year!
We love you!

2009 ·WAPT by TNB